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Be Together, Not The Same

This billboard aligned Google Android's commitment to diversity and inclusivity with the spirit of NYC's 16 Pride celebration. Both prominent billboards were designed to be viewed together. Each billboard highlighted individual screens that created a mosaic of colors to cue LGBTQ Pride.


Extra sensitivity was taken to not promote a heavy-handed corporate message nor attempt to leverage the moment of the event. Instead, it was designed to promote a message of inclusivity, first and foremost. The images are as well as the date on the devices – June 26th – also clearly help to telegraph the company's allyship with Pride.

A ‘popup’ window with real stacked Android devices. As people pass, the devices could also respond to individuals or movement to display larger images and messaging across the collective screen wall.

Some of the devices belong to influencers (LGBTQ celebritities, activists, supporters), prompting people to attempt to figure out whose phone belongs to who.

Agency: Droga5

Role: Associate Creative Director

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